AIRLINE TRAINING | Type Rating | Removal of Circling Approach Restrictions

Removal of Circling Approach Restrictions and/or Recency of Experience (FAA-Approved)

This course will train to proficiency the Circling Approach/ Land Maneuver, allowing the removal of the restriction.

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Removal of Circling Approach Restriction

The objective is to train to proficiency the Circling Approach /Land Maneuver.

  • Ground Training 1 hour
  • Simulator Training 1 hour
  • Oral Exam 1 hour
  • Simulator Practical Test 1 hour

Pilot in Command Recency of Experience

The objective is to Re-establish Landing Currency of the same Category, Class and Type. Fulfills requirement of Part 61.57(a) & (b) of the same class, category and type. Must have a type rating on the equipment.