TSA & Visa Clearances

Pan Am Flight Academy welcomes clients from all over the world and can assist you with TSA and US Visa Clearances. We are ready to assist all of our clients, from individuals to large airlines. 



The United States supports international education and welcomes foreign students and exchange visitors. Before applying for a visa, students and exchange visitors must be accepted by an SEVP Approved School or program sponsor. Pan Am is approved to issue the M-1/I-20 form to students interested in flight training in the United States. If you are unsure if you require a student visa to train in the United States, please contact us at [email protected] Visa Application Process
  1. Complete the Pan Am Application form 
  2. Pay visa processing fee via link: https://panamacademy.com/pay-securely-online-now
  3. Submit all required documents to Pan Am via email: PDF of list of required documents
  4. A Pan Am immigration specialist will contact you.
Once you have received your I-20 from Pan Am, please go to the link below and follow the detailed instructions on how to apply for your M-1 Visa. Student Visa Information from the Government

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has published an update to the Flight Training Security Program (FTSP) Interim Final Rule that has changed the FTSP processing and the duration of the candidate’s security threat assessment (STA). With the new process, candidates must access their accounts on the FTSP Portal and apply for a STA to receive a Determination of Eligibility from TSA, paying one consolidated fee of $140.00. The Determination of Eligibility allows the candidate to participate in multiple training events for as long as their Determination of Eligibility remains valid, up to five years.

Under U.S. law and regulation, all non-U.S. citizens and non-U.S. nationals seeking flight training are defined as “candidates” and must undergo a STA.

Flight Training Events Covered by TSA Regulation

  *   Initial pilot certification, whether private, recreational, sport pilot, fixed-wing, rotorcraft, on land, on sea, etc., because such training provides a pilot with basic piloting skills.
  *   Instrument rating, because such training enhances a pilot’s abilities to pilot an aircraft in bad weather or at night and enables a pilot to better understand the instruments and physiological experiences of flying without reference to visual cues outside the aircraft.
  *   Multi-engine rating, because such training enhances a pilot’s ability to pilot larger aircraft with more than one engine.
  *   Type rating, which is a specific certification a pilot obtains to operate a certain type of aircraft, because this training is required beyond the initial, multi-engine, and instrument certifications.
  *   Recurrent training for type rating, required to maintain or renew a type rating already held by a pilot.
  *   In addition to the above, TSA will provide a feature that allows providers the option to notify TSA of the following training events:
     *   Commercial pilot certification
     *   Airline transport pilot certification

Who is covered by the regulation?

Non-U.S. Citizens, Lawful Permanent Residents, Asylum Seekers, and Refugees
Under the flight training security regulation, if you are not a U.S. citizen or U.S. national, you are a candidate and must apply for a security threat assessment (STA) and receive a Determination of Eligibility before you can take flight training. Lawful permanent residents, asylum seekers (asylees), parolees, and refugees are considered candidates.

U.S. Citizens and U.S. Nationals
If you are a U.S. citizen or U.S. national seeking flight training, you are not required to undergo a security threat assessment. However, you must provide current photo identification or a combination of identity documents to the flight training provider when you arrive for training.

U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) Endorsees
A U.S. DOD attaché may endorse a non-U.S. citizen who is employed as a pilot by a foreign military for flight training. If you qualify as a U.S. DOD endorsee:

  *   The U.S. DOD attaché in your home country will notify TSA through this portal and coordinate with your flight training provider.
  *   A security threat assessment will be conducted through the U.S. DOD attaché.
Do not attempt to gain DOD access if you are not the U.S. Department of Defense attaché or their delegated representative.

Use this guide to help you with the process – details for each step of the application are described in the Candidate Guide. 

 1.  Log in to FTSP portal.
Click on the link below and this will allow you to create an account with TSA. If you already have an account proceed with logging in. If your account comes up as disabled, please contact TSA at TSA ESVP Flight Tng Security Program [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>. DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT. You will send an email asking to have your account enabled and they will reply once it has been enabled and proceed with logging in. It may prompt you to create a new password. TSA will usually respond to your email within 5 business days.

TSA Log In:

  2.  Manage your Personal Account Information.
Click on “Update Personal Information” and fill in all biographic information and upload all specified document images.

  3.  Complete the online STA application.
Click on “Create Application” and proceed to make payment for a one-time fee of $140. Your application will not be fully submitted until payment is completed.

  *   You may be eligible for a reduced processing fee based on a comparable Determination of Eligibility.
  *   You may be eligible for expedited processing if you meet eligibility requirements and pay an additional processing fee.

  4.  Obtain and submit fingerprints.

  *   The candidate will receive an email from FTSP with fingerprint instructions. Do not attempt to get fingerprinted before receiving the fingerprint instructions. This will result in the invalidation of the candidate’s fingerprints and the cancellation of his or her Determination of Eligibility. If your fingerprints are already on file with TSA, they will automatically be sent to the FBI. On occasion, the FBI may require a candidate to be fingerprinted again. In this event, TSA will notify you and provide a fingerprint instructions email.
  *   A list of domestic and international fingerprinting locations is available online<http://www.fts.tsa.dhs.gov/home/help?view=c&tab=FAQS#FingerprintQ>. The prints can be taken either electronically or by the provided forms. After they are completed, the prints are sent back to AAAE (an address is provided on the forms), who then forwards a copy to TSA.

  5.  Track the status of your STA application.

  *   The STA process may take up to 30 days from the date TSA receives your fingerprints.
  *   Check your emails and respond to any insufficiencies promptly.
  *   When you are issued a Determination of Eligibility, you are approved to participate in flight training events up to the date the Determination expires – in most cases, for five (5) years.

  6.  Manage your Flight Training Providers.
Click on “Manage My Flight Training Providers” and select Pan Am Flight Academy as one of your training providers. This is the only way you can initiate flight training.

     *   State: Florida
     *   Provider: Pan Am Flight Academy (fka Panam Intl)

  7.  Once you are issued a Determination of Eligibility, please contact your sales representative and the TSA coordinator ([email protected]) so that we can proceed to create the training event(s).

  8.  Keep your account information current.

  *   TSA conducts continuous vetting of persons who receive a Determination of Eligibility. If your personal information becomes out of date, or your qualifying documents expire, your Determination of Eligibility could be suspended or cancelled.
  *   Keep your FTSP account up to date on any changes in your name, address, or employer.
  *   Update your account information and upload new documents related to:
     *   Changes to your passport(s)
     *   Changes to your visa or other immigration documentation
     *   New airman certificates

  9.  Reapply for a new STA.

  *   You should reapply for a new security threat assessment 1–6 months before your security threat assessment expires. FTSP will send you an email when your Determination of Eligibility is:
     *   60 days from expiring
     *   30 days from expiring
     *   Has expired
  *   If your Determination of Eligibility expires, you cannot continue flight training or start new training. If a training event is underway or scheduled when your Determination expires, the provider must cease or cancel your training.
  *   To renew your Determination of Eligibility, you must reapply through your existing account on the FTSP Portal and pay the appropriate fee.

  10.  Determination of Ineligibility.

  *   TSA may send you a Preliminary Determination of Ineligibility in an email entitled “Changes Required to Security Threat Assessment Application.”
  *   Follow the instructions in the email. You may be able to correct your record by submitting the information or documents requested. You cannot select a flight training provider unless your status changes, and they cannot notify TSA of a training event for you.
  *   If you do not successfully make the necessary corrections within 180 days, you will be issued a final Determination of Ineligibility.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security now requires all foreign pilots of large aircraft who are coming to the United States for initial training to submit fingerprints along with a TSA application.

Fingerprinting at Pan Am

As a service to our customers, Pan Am Flight Academy can provide assistance and access to certified fingerprint collectors. Please contact us at [email protected] for more details on how to arrange for your fingerprints to be submitted. After applying for TSA Clearance, TSA will email candidate fingerprint instructions. At this time, you are authorized to have your fingerprints taken.

Fingerprinting Locations Near You

If it is more convenient, you may make arrangements with an authorized fingerprint collection site near your base of operations, Please click on the links below to locate a fingerprint collection site near you.

NATA FTSP Collection Information 

TSA IDEMIA FTPS Collection Information

What to Bring

When you show up for your fingerprint appointment you will need to have your TSA Fingerprint Permission form as well as 2 forms of photo ID.

Questions & Assistance for TSA, I-20 Visa & Licenses

Have a question? We can help find the answer!

TSA, SEVIS 1-20 Visa Information & Fingerprinting:
Please contact [email protected]


Licenses, Authenticity/Validation Letters & Records:
Please contact [email protected]