Saab 340B Type Rating Training
Offering Initial, Upgrade, Recurrent, Requalification, and other Saab 340B type rating training programs for individuals and organizations. Select your desired Saab 340B classic type rating option below to learn more.
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Saab 340B Initial Training Curriculum
Aircraft Systems Training 40 hours
(Distance Learning or On-Site)
General Operational Subjects 8 hours
Review & Examination *NSTR
*NSTR: No Specific Time Required.
System Integration Training 16 hours
(Total Ground School) 64 hours
Simulator Training 12-18 hours
12:00 PF if paired, and 18:00 PF if not paired.
Loft 2 hours
A 2-hour LOFT is required for Initial Certification or additional Rating if all training and testing is accomplished in a Level C or D simulator.
Simulator Practical Test 3 hours
Saab 340B Upgrade Training Curriculum
Aircraft Systems Training 16 hours
(Distance Learning or On-Site)
General Operational Subjects 8 hours
Review & Examination *NSTR
*NSTR: No Specific Time Required.
(Total Ground Training) 24 hours
Oral Exam 2 hours
Simulator Training 4-6 hours
4:00 PF/4:00 PM if paired, and 6:00 PF if not paired.
Loft 2 hours
A 2-hour LOFT is required for Initial Certification or additional Rating if all training and testing is accomplished in a Level C or D simulator.
Simulator Practical Test 3 hours
Saab 340B Recurrent Training Curriculum
Aircraft Systems Training 4 hours
(Distance Learning or On-Site)
General Operational Subjects 4 hours
Review & Examination *NSTR
*NSTR: No Specific Time Required.
(Total Ground School) 8 hours
Simulator Training 2-4 hours
2:00 PF / 2:00 PM if paired, and 4:00 PF if not paired.
Oral Exam 2 hours
Simulator Practical Test 3 hours
Saab 340B Requalification PIC Past Due Within 12 Months
Aircraft Systems Training 8 hours
(Distance Learning or On-Site)
General Operational Subjects 4 hours
Review & Examination *NSTR
*NSTR: No Specific Time Required.
(Total Ground School) 12 hours
Simulator Training 2-4 hours
2:00 PF / 2:00 PM if paired, and 4:00 PF if not paired.
Oral Exam 2 hours
Simulator Practical Test 3 hours
Saab 340B Requalification PIC Past Due Within 35 Months
Aircraft Systems Training 8 hours
(Distance Learning)
General Operational Subjects 8 hours
Review & Examination *NSTR
*NSTR: No Specific Time Required.
(Total Ground School) 16 hours
Simulator Training 4-6 hours
4:00 PF / 4:00 PM if paired, and 6:00 PF if not paired.
Oral Exam 2 hours
Simulator Practical Test 3 hours
Saab 340B Requalification PIC Past Due Within 35 Months
Aircraft Systems Training 16 hours
(Distance Learning)
General Operational Subjects 8 hours
Review & Examination *NSTR
*NSTR: No Specific Time Required.
(Total Ground School) 25 hours
Simulator Training 8-16 hours
8:00 PF / 8:00 PM if paired, and 16:00 PF if not paired.
Oral Exam 2 hours
Simulator Practical Test 3 hours
Saab 340B Requalification PIC Past Due For More Than 59 Months
Aircraft Systems Training 40 hours
(Distance Learning)
General Operational Subjects 8 hours
Review & Examination *NSTR
*NSTR: No Specific Time Required.
System Integration Training 16 hours
(Total Ground School) 64 hours
Oral Exam 2 hours
Simulator Training 12-18 hours
12:00 PF / 12:00 PM if paired, and 18:00 PF if not paired.
Loft 2 hours
A 2-hour LOFT is required for Initial Certification or additional Rating if all training and testing is accomplished in a Level C or D simulator.
Simulator Practical Test 3 hours
Removal of Circling Approach Restriction
The objective is to train to proficiency the Circling Approach /Land Maneuver.
Ground Training 1 hour
Simulator Training 1 hour
Oral Exam 1 hour
Simulator Practical Test 1 hour
Pilot in Command Recency of Experience
The objective is to Re-establish Landing Currency of the same Category, Class and Type.
Must have a type rating on the equipment.